Sincerely thanks to each friend paying attention to Xishan Electric Furnace. Because of your understanding, trust, care and support, Xishan electric furnace could develop steadily and fast. The rapid developing and strong cause of the global non-ferrous metal processing industry coheres burning passion, cultivation sweat and innovation wisdom of Xishan Electric Furnace people. Facing the future, Xishan Electric Furnace will make use of the “core manufacturing+ integrated service” advantage accumulated in recent thirty years focusing on customer need, leading by technological innovation and focusing on value enhancement to create Xishan Electric Furnace to a globally competitive first-class high-end intelligent equipment manufacturing enterprise, continue to return to shareholders, clients and the society with excellent operating performance. We not only participate in the competition, we are more eager for cooperation and win-win. Warmly welcome new and old friends to work together, mutually benefit, seek prosperity prospects and create beautiful future together.